Who We Are

Established to work with and for adolescent and young people

Newlife Adolescent and Youth Organisation (NAYO) is a women-led  non profit making, non-partisan and non religious denominational organisation working with and for adolescent and young people (10-24 years). 

It was founded during the COVID19 lockdown, which brought to bear the vulnerabilities of young people. We are a community based organization, registered in Nansana Municipality, Wakiso district, Uganda.

We participate in the National Adolescent and School Health Technical Working Group at the Ministry of Health

Our Approach

Our Target Beneficiaries

Our target beneficiaries are adolescents and youth aged 10-24years; their  parents, guardians and caretakers both in and out of school; duty bearers who are mandated to respect, protect and fulfill adolescents and youth’s Sexual Reproductive Health Rights ; and those above 24 years who may urgently need our services.

Our objectives are;

  •  To build capacity on Adolescent and Youth – Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights in the community.
  •   To strengthen linkage to health services and redress mechanisms for the adolescents and youth in the community.
  • To promote livelihoods through income generating activities

To address our objectives, we work through 4 different approaches;

  • Institutional strengthening
  • Community engagement
  •  Evidence generation and dissemination
  • Partnership building

Our Mission

To strengthen access to information, health care services and empower the adolescents and youths to take charge of their lives. 

Our Vision

Healthy adolescents and youth who are empowered for sustainable development

Our Theory of Change

Our theory of change is that IF the capacities of the communities are built to understand, support, demand and promote  Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive  Health and Rights (Objective 1); IF Adolescents and Youth can access information and health services for their unique needs (Objective 2); IF they are facilitated to seek redress in the event of violation (Objective 2); and IF they are skilled to engage in meaningful income generating activities (Objective 3); THEN more Adolescents and Youth and community members will respect and advocate for Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive  Health and Rights (OUTCOME);  THEN more Adolescents and Youth will use Sexual and Reproductive  Health and Rights services (OUTCOME);  THEN more Adolescents and Youth will use available redress mechanisms to seek social justice (OUTCOME). THEN more Adolescents and Youth will be able to provide for their needs and THEN more Adolescents and Youth will be healthy and productive to contribute to the development of the Municipality (GOAL).

Our Team

Nakisita Olivia

Executive Director

Saul Kibuka Musoke

Director Finance and Administration

Dr. Felix Kizito

Director - Programs